Propelling scientific breakthroughs and medical advancements.
Our mission — Develop a best-in-class AI-powered digital cytometry technology that simplifies cellular profiling and accelerates biomarker discovery.
How it works.
Tissue or Blood Sample
Robust to sample and library preparation methods.No tissue dissociation required.
Bulk Expression Profile
Robust to RNA-seq platforms and alignment methods.
Users may start with existing bulk expression data.
Run iSort™
Simply upload data and run iSort™ to generate an output in minutes.
iSort™ Fractions Output
Quantified cell composition per sample.
iSort™ HiRes Output
Cell-type-specific gene expression per sample.
Academic origins.
iSort™ is based on the most widely used and validated digital cytometry platform in the field, Stanford-developed CIBERSORT/x — to which CiberMed holds an exclusive license. With novel enhancements to achieve even greater accuracy, CiberMed’s powerful AI-driven platform iSort™ brings fast, low cost, high throughput cellular profiling available to a commercial market for the first time.
CIBERSORT/x is among top 5 fastest growing software tools in the biosciences
Hunting for the best bioscience software tool? Check this database Hutson, M. Nature (2023)
An expert team.
CiberMed was founded by a group of bioinformatics and data science industry veterans, seasoned entrepreneurs, and physicians and data science professors at Stanford Medicine including the authors of CIBERSORT/x — brought together by a shared vision that opening access to their groundbreaking technology to new markets and novel use cases could propel new breakthroughs and medical advancements.
Our Agilent partnership.
CiberMed is excited to partner with Agilent, global leader in life sciences and diagnostics, to take cellular profiling to the next level. Combining our technologies with Agilent’s targeted sequencing boosts the accuracy, sensitivity, and robustness of cell profiling with iSort™. At the same time, iSort™ adds a new dimension of cell profiling applications to SureSelect.
Proven accuracy.
iSort™ results are highly correlated with other cellular profiling methods.
Our technology features novel enhancements of CIBERSORTx — to offer even greater accuracy and consistency across sample types, library preparation methods, and RNA-seq methods.
When paired with Agilent SureSelect, iSort™ achieves best-in-class performance.
A workflow combining iSort™ with Agilent SureSelect CD CiberMed panels overcomes key analytical challenges, including RNA degradation in FFPE specimens, for improved accuracy and robustness.
Discover advanced cell profiling solutions.
Unlock the power of digital cytometry with iSort™.
Key Publications
Learn More
- History of cellular profiling technology
- Why iSortTM is the best tool for accurate cellular profiling
The webinar was broadcasted in Nov 2024 by SelectScience.